Third molars, commonly called wisdom teeth, are a set of teeth that most frequently emerge during a person’s late teens or early twenties. It is thought that these teeth were used to help grind plant matter when human diets consisted of less soft, sugary foods. Wisdom teeth are most frequently extracted as soon as they erupt.
Most people need to have their wisdom teeth removed simply because their jaws do not have the room required for them to grow in completely. The teeth often come in at an angle because of this and bump up against other, healthy teeth. A few people are able to have their wisdom teeth grow in without problems, but they become more and more difficult to care for as the years go by and are especially vulnerable to cavities and other dental issues.
What should I expect during and after treatment?
Your treatment will involve some level of sedation and will require you to have someone to escort you to and from your treatment. We will make sure you have the proper medication to control pain after your procedure. Make sure to follow the instructions of our dentist to control bleeding and discomfort. Most patients take around two to four weeks to recover after their treatment.
Contact us today!
If Dr. Vivek Singh finds that you need your third molars extracted, this can dramatically improve the alignment, overall health and function of your teeth. To meet with our dentist at Crystal Dental Care for wisdom teeth removal in Crystal City, Texas, please call 830-448-2088.